Season 9 of Dr. Who -update-

Ok so, comment below is a #DoctorWho SPOILER in the sense that everyone knew it was going to happen anyway. This will be announced thru different media channels of course such as commercials/printed promos when they start airing, so this is excellent news in my opinion and can’t wait to see them in early summer (That’s my assumption of it though.)


From us at The Cybernauts podcast to The Great Hayo Miyazaki, may you live many more years to come and may you keep bringing the stuff of magic, fairies, aliens sci-fi and Drama type romance to future generations

Birthday Greetings

Defiance The SyFy TV Show and Game By Trion Worlds Review Ep#29.

Both I and one of our other podcasters Bruce decided to review Defiance on Syfy and The Game from Trion Worlds. It also gave us a chance to discuss the game both from the PC view as well as an X-Box edition and there are some debatable subjects that do come to the table as we discussed the nuances that bothered both us with our experiences with the game.

Definitely had some opinions on the show as well, as we went into comparisons and what was done quite well and what fell short of what’s been worked on over the last four years in preparation for this venture melding of TV with Game. Anyways, here it is, and as usual please feel free to leave comments and opinions.

Ok peeps Anime Banzai has opened registration up !

And a 1 and a 2 and 3 and Dance!
And a 1 and a 2 and 3 and Dance!

We’re look at 30 Dollars till the end of April 2013 for registering for the best price for one the COOLEST Anime Conventions in utah and on The Rocky Mountain Circuit. Hit The website at and goto the regsitration and register thru the site dashboard. This promises to be an excellent year as usual. Can’t wait to bring you the highlights and all from the convention this year. Great Cosplay, Awesome events, Fantastic guests and the always popular always courtous staff that has been there to bring life to The Otaku Community! So what are you waiting for ? Go register now! 😉 See there peeps!

Playwrights, a Tardis and Podcast oh my!

Hello, it’s me yet again. After 3.5 days of the flu and well I could go into colorful details, but I’ll spare you. Needless to say it did completely kick my rear hatch to the armory back to the barracks. But I can hold down food and liquids finally and my eyes and stomach only hurt when exposed to light and when I breath. Finally got this site updated not including this last week’s Ep which was pretty cool we interviewed some very interesting people.

Brent Lengel, a noted playwright I know from a community we used to mutually frequent from time to time. He’s really come into his own with some of his plays and is even been in the New York Examiner as well. There is Snow White Zombie Apocalypse being one and North to Maine as of late. He is also an Occupy activist as well and has the bruises and pepperspray to prove it. This is his second time on the podcast and we do hope to have him on again later on in the year.

We also had The Doctor from The Up and Coming Doctor Who: the Forgotten Doctor, and got the chance to chat it up a bit with the Good Doctor and his 2 Executive producers. They’ll be here at the Atlanta Poly Week for a screening of the 1st episode and a Q and A Panel as well! It was quite interesting to hear the premises and how this came about between the Good Doctor and his producers and how this all came about. Also the artwork and FX of Roy Wolley from Faceoff is involved on this project as well providing some insight to some of the aliens the good doctor will be running into. I will not ruin it for you “Spoilers and All” but indeed take a listen to the latest podcast when it’s uploaded. In the meantime here is a teaser trailer.

And if you are a Whovian, and wished to kick in on helping them out? Just click here and donate. It will be well appreciated and placed to good us

Download Episode 26 HERE!

Edits to the Podcasts are credited to

Takesi Ken Akamatsu